Migration Guide

This document is intended for users who are migrating from the old version of these bindings.

1. Naming changes

To conform with PEP 8 the following renames have been completed.

2. Error Callback

The error callback no longer needs to be a class that inherits from rl_client.error_callback. Now it should simply be a function which has a signature of void(int, string), and can include closure values.

class my_error_callback(rl_client.error_callback):
    def on_error(self, error_code, error_message):
        print("Background error:")

 # ...

error_callback = my_error_callback()
client = rl_client.live_model(_, error_callback)

Changes to:

def on_error(self, error_code, error_message):
    print("Background error:")

# ...

client = rl_client.LiveModel(_, on_error)

3. Init

init no longer needs to be called.

client = rl_client.live_model(config)

Changes to:

client = rl_client.LiveModel(config)

4. choose_rank return value

choose_rank no longer returns a tuple, but now returns a rl_client.RankingResponse() object that contains the same information as was contained in the tuple.

model_id, chosen_action_id, actions_probabilities, event_id = model.choose_rank(context)

Changes to:

response = model.choose_rank(context)