Vowpal Wabbit
Classes | Namespaces | Functions | Variables
vw.h File Reference
#include "global_data.h"
#include "example.h"
#include "hash.h"
#include "simple_label.h"
#include "parser.h"
#include "parse_example.h"
#include "options.h"
#include "compat.h"


struct  VW::primitive_feature_space




vwVW::initialize (std::unique_ptr< config::options_i, options_deleter_type > options, io_buf *model=nullptr, bool skipModelLoad=false, trace_message_t trace_listener=nullptr, void *trace_context=nullptr)
vwVW::initialize (config::options_i &options, io_buf *model=nullptr, bool skipModelLoad=false, trace_message_t trace_listener=nullptr, void *trace_context=nullptr)
vwVW::initialize (std::string s, io_buf *model=nullptr, bool skipModelLoad=false, trace_message_t trace_listener=nullptr, void *trace_context=nullptr)
vwVW::initialize (int argc, char *argv[], io_buf *model=nullptr, bool skipModelLoad=false, trace_message_t trace_listener=nullptr, void *trace_context=nullptr)
vwVW::seed_vw_model (vw *vw_model, std::string extra_args, trace_message_t trace_listener=nullptr, void *trace_context=nullptr)
vwVW::initialize_escaped (std::string const &s, io_buf *model=nullptr, bool skipModelLoad=false, trace_message_t trace_listener=nullptr, void *trace_context=nullptr)
void VW::cmd_string_replace_value (std::stringstream *&ss, std::string flag_to_replace, std::string new_value)
VW_DEPRECATED("By value version is deprecated, pass std::string by const ref instead using `to_argv`. This will be removed in VW ""9.0.") char **get_argv_from_string(std char ** VW::to_argv (std::string const &s, int &argc)
char ** VW::to_argv_escaped (std::string const &s, int &argc)
void VW::free_args (int argc, char *argv[])
const char * VW::are_features_compatible (vw &vw1, vw &vw2)
void VW::finish (vw &all, bool delete_all=true)
void VW::sync_stats (vw &all)
void VW::start_parser (vw &all)
void VW::end_parser (vw &all)
bool VW::is_ring_example (vw &all, example *ae)
exampleVW::read_example (vw &all, const char *example_line)
exampleVW::read_example (vw &all, const std::string &example_line)
exampleVW::import_example (vw &all, const std::string &label, primitive_feature_space *features, size_t len)
exampleVW::alloc_examples (size_t, size_t count)
exampleVW::alloc_examples (size_t count)
 VW::VW_DEPRECATED ("This interface is deprecated and unsafe. Deletion function pointers are no longer needed. Please use ""dealloc_examples. This will be removed in VW 9.0.") void dealloc_example(void(*delete_label)(polylabel *)
void VW::dealloc_examples (example *example_ptr, size_t count)
void VW::parse_example_label (vw &all, example &ec, std::string label)
void VW::setup_examples (vw &all, v_array< example * > &examples)
void VW::setup_example (vw &all, example *ae)
exampleVW::new_unused_example (vw &all)
exampleVW::get_example (parser *pf)
float VW::get_topic_prediction (example *ec, size_t i)
float VW::get_label (example *ec)
float VW::get_importance (example *ec)
float VW::get_initial (example *ec)
float VW::get_prediction (example *ec)
float VW::get_cost_sensitive_prediction (example *ec)
v_array< float > & VW::get_cost_sensitive_prediction_confidence_scores (example *ec)
uint32_t * VW::get_multilabel_predictions (example *ec, size_t &len)
float VW::get_action_score (example *ec, size_t i)
size_t VW::get_action_score_length (example *ec)
size_t VW::get_tag_length (example *ec)
const char * VW::get_tag (example *ec)
size_t VW::get_feature_number (example *ec)
float VW::get_confidence (example *ec)
featureVW::get_features (vw &all, example *ec, size_t &feature_number)
void VW::return_features (feature *f)
void VW::add_constant_feature (vw &all, example *ec)
void VW::add_label (example *ec, float label, float weight=1, float base=0)
void VW::finish_example (vw &all, example &ec)
void VW::finish_example (vw &all, multi_ex &ec)
void VW::empty_example (vw &all, example &ec)
 VW::VW_DEPRECATED ("label size or copy_label are no longer used, please use the other overload. This will be removed in VW 9.0.") void copy_example_data(bool audit
void VW::copy_example_data (bool audit, example *, example *, void(*copy_label)(polylabel *, polylabel *))
void VW::copy_example_metadata (bool audit, example *, example *)
void VW::copy_example_data (bool audit, example *, example *)
void VW::move_feature_namespace (example *dst, example *src, namespace_index c)
void VW::copy_example_metadata (example *, const example *)
void VW::copy_example_data (example *dst, const example *src)
void VW::copy_example_data_with_label (example *dst, const example *src)
primitive_feature_space * VW::export_example (vw &all, example *e, size_t &len)
void VW::releaseFeatureSpace (primitive_feature_space *features, size_t len)
void VW::save_predictor (vw &all, std::string reg_name)
void VW::save_predictor (vw &all, io_buf &buf)
uint64_t VW::hash_space (vw &all, const std::string &s)
uint64_t VW::hash_space_static (const std::string &s, const std::string &hash)
uint64_t VW::hash_space_cstr (vw &all, const char *fstr)
uint64_t VW::hash_feature (vw &all, const std::string &s, uint64_t u)
uint64_t VW::hash_feature_static (const std::string &s, uint64_t u, const std::string &h, uint32_t num_bits)
uint64_t VW::hash_feature_cstr (vw &all, const char *fstr, uint64_t u)
uint64_t VW::chain_hash (vw &all, const std::string &name, const std::string &value, uint64_t u)
float VW::get_weight (vw &all, uint32_t index, uint32_t offset)
void VW::set_weight (vw &all, uint32_t index, uint32_t offset, float value)
uint32_t VW::num_weights (vw &all)
uint32_t VW::get_stride (vw &all)
void VW::init_features (primitive_feature_space &fs, size_t features_count)
void VW::set_feature (primitive_feature_space &fs, size_t index, uint64_t feature_hash, float value)


example void(* VW::delete_prediction )(void *) = nullptr)
example example VW::size_t
example example void(* VW::copy_label )(polylabel *, polylabel *))