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Your go-to interactive machine learning library

Vowpal Wabbit provides a fast, flexible, online, and active learning solution that empowers you to solve complex interactive machine learning problems.

rabbit illustration for hero

What does Vowpal Wabbit do?

Vowpal Wabbit provides fast, efficient, and flexible online machine learning techniques for reinforcement learning, supervised learning, and more. It is influenced by an ecosystem of community contributions, academic research, and proven algorithms. Microsoft Research is a major contributor to Vowpal Wabbit.

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Reinforcement learning

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Supervised learning

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Interactive learning

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Efficient learning

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Versatile learning

Install Vowpal Wabbit

For more information on installation requirements, building Vowpal Wabbit from source, or using a package manager read the installation wiki. Additional binary packages are available for select platforms.
Select a configuration
* Configuration coming soon
Run this command

A vehicle for machine learning research

Vowpal Wabbit’s design is informed and influenced by advanced interactive and online learning research.

For more details on the research driving Vowpal Wabbit visit the Vowpal Wabbit publications list.

Join our community

Vowpal Wabbit is the result of community contributions since 2007. Get involved by contributing code or documentation on GitHub. Get answers to your questions on StackOverflow or chat with the development community on Gitter.
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