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March 07, 2022

Clarification on using save_resume, invert_hash and readable_model with VW 9.0.0

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Jack Gerrits


With VW 9.0.0, use --predict_only_model when using --invert_hash or --readable_model to get old (pre 9.0.0) behavior.

With the introduction of Version 9.0.0, saved VW models allow online training to continue by default. This is different from previous versions where --save_resume had to be explicitly specified. This change was motivated by a frequent failure mode in a common use case. Specifically, when experimenting interactively with VW models (such as in a in Jupyter notebook), train, test, save and load are called interactively and repeatedly. Failure to specify --save_resume leads to unexpected behavior.

As a result, additional information is now serialized when --invert_hash or --readable_model is specified. In order to get the old behavior, please use --predict_only_model when using --invert_hash or --readable_model

invert_hash or readable_model

When saving a textual representation of a model in 9.0.0 with either --invert_hash or --readable_model the default format is different. It additionally includes training resumption information. We have seen people depend on the format of the invert_hash model. If you have a script which depends on this format you can add --predict_only_model to produce the old format and maintain script behavior.

If parsing the invert_hash contents most users may have searched for the :0 to denote the feature section of the invert hash model. This is not in the default 9.0.0 invert_hash output as :0 and :1 actually refer to save_resume:false and save_resume:true respectively. If you depend on the format then passing --predict_only_model is recommended.


With data.txt:

0 | price:.23 sqft:.25 age:.05 2006
1 2 'second_house | price:.18 sqft:.15 age:.35 1976
0 1 0.5 'third_house | price:.53 sqft:.32 age:.87 1924

New default invert_hash

As of version 9.0.0 vw -d data.txt --invert_hash model.txt produces:


Version 9.0.0
Min label:0
Max label:1
0 ngram:
0 skip:
Checksum: 2704463348
initial_t 0
norm normalizer 15
t 4
sum_loss 3
sum_loss_since_last_dump 1
dump_interval 6
min_label 0
max_label 1
weighted_labeled_examples 4
weighted_labels 2
weighted_unlabeled_examples 0
example_number 3
total_features 15
total_weight 3
sd::oec.weighted_labeled_examples 3
current_pass 1
l1_state 0
l2_state 1
1924:1924:-0.145249 4 1
1976:1976:0.158838 8 1
Constant:116060:0.07498 12 1
sqft:162853:0.118057 0.5896 0.32
age:165201:0.0374855 4.0076 0.87
price:229902:0.052627 1.3828 0.53

Old default invert_hash

Use --predict_only_model to get the pre 9.0.0 default.

As of version 9.0.0 vw -d data.txt --invert_hash model.txt --predict_only_model produces:


Version 9.0.0
Min label:0
Max label:1
0 ngram:
0 skip:
Checksum: 2704463348

Binary model saving

This also means that binary models produced with --final_regressor/-f will contain information required for resuming training. VW is able to consume this format automatically. If you have tooling which consumes binary models keep in mind this default change in format.