Search - CovingtonΒΆ

from vowpalwabbit import pyvw

# the label for each word is its parent, or -1 for root
my_dataset = [ [("the",      1),   # 0
                ("monster",  2),   # 1
                ("ate",     -1),   # 2
                ("a",        5),   # 3
                ("big",      5),   # 4
                ("sandwich", 2)]  # 5
               [("the",      1),   # 0
                ("sandwich", 2),   # 1
                ("is",      -1),   # 2
                ("tasty",    2)]   # 3
               [("a",        1),   # 0
                ("sandwich", 2),   # 1
                ("ate",     -1),   # 2
                ("itself",   2)]   # 3

class CovingtonDepParser(pyvw.SearchTask):
    def __init__(self, vw, sch, num_actions):
        pyvw.SearchTask.__init__(self, vw, sch, num_actions)
        sch.set_options( sch.AUTO_HAMMING_LOSS | sch.AUTO_CONDITION_FEATURES )

    def _run(self, sentence):
        N = len(sentence)
        # initialize our output so everything is a root
        output = [-1 for i in range(N)]
        for n in range(N):
            wordN,parN = sentence[n]
            for m in range(-1,N):
                if m == n: continue
                wordM = sentence[m][0] if m > 0 else "*root*"
                # ask the question: is m the parent of n?
                isParent = 2 if m == parN else 1

                # construct an example
                dir = 'l' if m < n else 'r'
                ex = self.vw.example({'a': [wordN, dir + '_' + wordN],
                                      'b': [wordM, dir + '_' + wordN],
                                      'p': [wordN + '_' + wordM, dir + '_' + wordN + '_' + wordM],
                                      'd': [ str(m-n <= d) + '<=' + str(d) for d in [-8, -4, -2, -1, 1, 2, 4, 8] ] +
                                           [ str(m-n >= d) + '>=' + str(d) for d in [-8, -4, -2, -1, 1, 2, 4, 8] ] })
                pred = self.sch.predict(examples  = ex,
                                        my_tag    = (m+1)*N + n + 1,
                                        oracle    = isParent,
                                        condition = [ (max(0, (m  )*N + n + 1), 'p'),
                                                      (max(0, (m+1)*N + n    ), 'q') ])
                vw.finish_example([ex]) # must pass the example in as a list because search is a MultiEx reduction
                if pred == 2:
                    output[n] = m
        return output

class CovingtonDepParserLDF(pyvw.SearchTask):
    def __init__(self, vw, sch, num_actions):
        pyvw.SearchTask.__init__(self, vw, sch, num_actions)
        sch.set_options( sch.AUTO_HAMMING_LOSS | sch.IS_LDF | sch.AUTO_CONDITION_FEATURES )

    def makeExample(self, sentence, n, m):
        wordN = sentence[n][0]
        wordM = sentence[m][0] if m >= 0 else '*ROOT*'
        dir   = 'l' if m < n else 'r'
        ex = self.vw.example( { 'a': [wordN, dir + '_' + wordN],
                                'b': [wordM, dir + '_' + wordM],
                                'p': [wordN + '_' + wordM, dir + '_' + wordN + '_' + wordM],
                                'd': [ str(m-n <= d) + '<=' + str(d) for d in [-8, -4, -2, -1, 1, 2, 4, 8] ] +
                                     [ str(m-n >= d) + '>=' + str(d) for d in [-8, -4, -2, -1, 1, 2, 4, 8] ] },
        # the label string is (m+2):0. The :0 means cost zero (this is
        # irrelevant and could be any number). +2 ensures >= 1
        ex.set_label_string(str(100 + n - m) + ":0")
        return ex

    def _run(self, sentence):
        N = len(sentence)
        # initialize our output so everything is a root
        output = [-1 for i in range(N)]
        for n in range(N):
            # make LDF examples
            examples = []
            for m in range(-1, N):
                if n != m:
                    examples.append(self.makeExample(sentence=sentence, n=n, m=m))

            # truth
            parN = sentence[n][1]

            # Mapping:
            # -1      => 1
            # 0...n-1 => 2...n+1
            # n+1...N => n+2 ...N+1
            oracle = parN+2 if parN < n else parN + 1   # have to -1 because we excluded n==m from list

            # make a prediction
            pred = self.sch.predict(examples  = examples,
                                    my_tag    = n+1,
                                    oracle    = oracle,
                                    condition = [ (n, 'p'), (n-1, 'q') ] )


            # Reverse mapping:
            # 1 => -1
            # 2...n+1 => 0...n-1
            # n+2...N+1 => n+1...N
            output[n] = pred-2 if pred <= n + 1 else pred - 1 # have to +1 because n==m excluded

        return output

# TODO: if they make sure search=0 <==> ldf <==> csoaa_ldf

# demo the non-ldf version:

print('training non-LDF')
vw = pyvw.Workspace("--search 2 --search_task hook", quiet=True)
task = vw.init_search_task(CovingtonDepParser)
for p in range(2): # do two passes over the training data
print('testing non-LDF')
print(task.predict( [(w,-1) for w in "the monster ate a sandwich".split()] ))
print('should have printed [ 1 2 -1 4 2 ]')

print('training LDF')
vw = pyvw.Workspace("--search 0 --csoaa_ldf m --search_task hook", quiet=True)
task = vw.init_search_task(CovingtonDepParserLDF)
for p in range(100): # do two passes over the training data
print('testing LDF')
print(task.predict( [(w,-1) for w in "the monster ate a sandwich".split()] ))
print('should have printed [ 1 2 -1 4 2 ]')
training non-LDF
testing non-LDF
[1, 2, -1, 4, 2]
should have printed [ 1 2 -1 4 2 ]
training LDF
testing LDF
[1, 2, -1, 1, 2]
should have printed [ 1 2 -1 4 2 ]